We advise families

on inheriting assets from abroad

We simplify this process and bring down client’s involvement to the minimum.

Simple And Efficient

Cross-border inheritance is an immensely complex process due to language barriers, distance, differing customs and regulations.

However, CBSA makes sure to simplify this process and bring down client’s involvement to the minimum.

Simplification lies at the core of CBSA’s mission to deliver legal certainty in the fast-changing and complicated world of foreign inheritance. It runs through everything we do – from our legal advice, estate and will planning, to how we service clients and manage our business.

Are you set to receive a foreign inheritance?

Full suite of services all in one place

Sit back and let CBSA do the job for you

Let our experts advise you about international estate planning

An arrangement best suited for your estate

A holistic approach that includes tax, business and medical planning

Our Partners

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